or the
Best Of New Theleme

by Lenna Mahoney

(featuring special appearances by Bill Statler)

If you plan to read all of BONT offline, you may prefer to download this compressed file.  It's a healthy 1.6 megabytes, but still just three-quarters the size of the uncompressed book.

You will need a ZIP decompression utility, such as WinZip or PKUNZIP.  Simply make yourself a BONT directory and unzip the compressed file into it.  Be sure you turn on the option to preserve the original directory structure!  (In WinZip, check the "Use folder names" box; in PKUNZIP, use the "-d" option.)  If you don't use the option, the files won't link to each other properly and that will be most annoying after spending 1.6 megabytes of download time.  In any case, my home page isn't included in the ZIP file, so the links to it won't work.

To start reading, load BONT\index.htm into your Web browser.

Click here to download

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